Violence Against Women and Children in the Context of Toxic Communication


  • Novi Andayani Praptiningsih Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA
  • Silvie Mil Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA
  • Heni Hayat LSPR Institute of Communication & Business

Kata Kunci:

violence, women, children, family communication, toxic


This research aims to analyze violence against women and children that can occur in toxic families. Toxic people are people who have a tendency to control other people's lives so that they follow their wishes, and even control other people's lives. Toxic people could be people closest to the victim, such as the immediate family. The method uses a qualitative approach, through in-depth interview and observation, using interactive model. The results of the research show that family victims caused by a father's persistent infidelity result in a child (girl) becoming apathetic towards romantic relationships. However, this did not happen to the boy, even though he did not know what was really in his heart regarding his father's brutal behavior. Meanwhile, mothers who are often threatened and intimidated both physically and verbally become closed off, depressed and often want to commit suicide. What makes him survive in life is the presence of his children who strengthen and motivate him to always be strong and steadfast in living life. Even though the mother actually wanted to separate from her husband, she felt embarrassed if she had to live as a widow, worried that she would become the subject of negative gossip. So the wife has survived to this day, even though she endures the heartache of being cheated on and the physical pain of being frequently beaten.



Cara Mengutip

Novi Andayani Praptiningsih, Silvie Mil, & Heni Hayat. (2024). Violence Against Women and Children in the Context of Toxic Communication . SUHANAH: Jurnal Perlindungan Perempuan Dan Anak, 1(1), 13–21. Diambil dari