Jagratara: Journal of Disaster Research https://jurnal.budiluhur.ac.id/index.php/jagratara <p><strong>Jagratara: Journal of Disaster Research (<a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/20231030321123528">e-ISSN: 3026-4952</a>)</strong> is an open-access peer-reviewed journal that is published by the Department of Disaster Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Budi Luhur. <strong>Jagratara: Journal of Disaster Research</strong> promotes scholarly, theoretical, pragmatic, and contemporary research, making a clear conceptual and methodological contribution to existing international literature. As disaster research by itself is of a multi-discipline nature, we welcome submissions from across disciplines. These may include but are not limited to various subjects such as disaster management, disaster risk reduction, preparedness, mitigation, and disaster response; as well as post-disaster topics on recovery.</p> <table width="100%" bgcolor="#f0f0f0"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="20%">Journal Title</td> <td width="60%"><strong>Jagratara: Journal of Disaster Research</strong></td> <td rowspan="9" valign="top" width="20%"><img src="https://jurnal.budiluhur.ac.id/public/site/images/hayatul/1698379685.png" alt="" width="1500" height="1383" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%">Frequency</td> <td width="60%"> <table width="100%" bgcolor="#f0f0f0"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="60%"><strong>2 issues per year (June and December)</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%">e-ISSN</td> <td width="60%"><strong><a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/20231030321123528">3026-4952</a></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%">Editor-in-chief</td> <td width="60%"><a href="https://scholar.google.co.id/citations?user=-aduNfgAAAAJ&amp;hl=id"><strong>Hayatul Khairul Rahmat, S.Sos., M.Han.</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%">Publisher</td> <td width="60%"><strong>Universitas Budi Luhur</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%">Citation Analysis</td> <td width="60%"><a href="https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=jeJg-xoAAAAJ"><strong>Google Scholar</strong></a><strong> - <a href="https://garuda.kemdikbud.go.id/journal/view/34198">GARUDA</a></strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p> </p> Universitas Budi Luhur en-US Jagratara: Journal of Disaster Research 3026-4952 Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Program For Adult and Child Survivors of The Landslide Disaster in Nganjuk, Indonesia https://jurnal.budiluhur.ac.id/index.php/jagratara/article/view/124 <p><strong><em>Objective</em></strong><em>: The mental health and livelihoods of several children and adults in Nganjuk District in Indonesia were at risk from the landslide disaster. They were survivors of natural disasters and the psychological aspect of rehabilitation was often needed in public health initiatives. <strong>Methods</strong>: Several psychosocial volunteers from other areas around the site travelled to the shelter where the survivors were evacuated and established a psychosocial mental health program for child and adult survivors. <strong>Result</strong>: Playgroups, daily life routines, reliable information, psychoeducation, discussion sessions, and practical assistance were provided to survivors of landslides in Nganjuk District in Indonesia. Symptoms of emotional distress in children and adults were observed. These activities were established to promote connectedness, hope, security, serenity, and a sense of self and collective efficacy. <strong>Conclusion</strong>: Survivors of the landslide disaster in Nganjuk Regency in Indonesia could connect, earn hope, have a sense of safety, and be calmer. Children could have daily routine activities such as school, play, prayer, self-care, and rest, while older people could arrange general community meetings, find new shelters, and have religious meetings.</em></p> Nata Hendriati Rindya Fery Indrawan Yunita R. Maulidawati Copyright (c) 2024 Jagratara: Journal of Disaster Research 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 1 1 6 10.36080/jjdr.v2i1.124 Identification of Potential Landslide Areas in Nusaniwe Sub-district, Ambon City using Slope Morphology Method https://jurnal.budiluhur.ac.id/index.php/jagratara/article/view/138 <p><em>This study aims to identify potential landslide areas in Nusaniwe Sub-district using the Slope Morphology Method (SMORPH) based on slope and slope shape analysis. The results show that the complex geological and topographical conditions in the area increase the risk of landslides, with areas of high slope and steep slope shapes tending to be landslide hotspots. Interdisciplinary collaboration, community education, and the development of effective mitigation strategies are key in reducing the risk of landslides in Nusaniwe Sub-district and similar areas.</em></p> Heinrich Rakuasa Copyright (c) 2024 Jagratara: Journal of Disaster Research 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 1 7 14 10.36080/jjdr.v2i1.138 Identifikasi Pola Spasial dan Temporal Daerah Potensi Kebakaran Hutan di Kota Singkawang Berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis https://jurnal.budiluhur.ac.id/index.php/jagratara/article/view/141 <p><em>Singkawang City is one of the cities recorded as having experienced a relatively high impact of forest fires over the last 5 years. Although most forest fires are caused by natural factors, there are also impacts caused by human intervention as a serious trigger in increasing the frequency and intensity of forest fires in Singkawang City. This research aims to analyze the distribution pattern of areas prone to forest and land fires spatially and temporally in Singkawang City in 2018 - 2022 using a scoring and overlay method based on Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Some of the variables used in this research include rainfall, altitude, vegetation cover, and soil type. After the data processing process, it was continued with validation with fire point data in Singkawang City. Data analysis shows that there is significant variability in the number of hotspots from year to year, with the highest peak occurring in 2019. The results of this research show that the hotspots that occur are in accordance with the mapping of areas prone to forest fires. There is a positive correlation between the number of fire hotspots and the processing of areas prone to forest fires using scoring and overlay methods.</em></p> Muhammad Zaky Arkananta Yahya Darmawan Copyright (c) 2024 Jagratara: Journal of Disaster Research 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 1 15 26 10.36080/jjdr.v2i1.141 Pengendalian Banjir Pada Daerah Aliran Sungai Pesanggrahan Menggunakan Pemodelan HEC-RAS https://jurnal.budiluhur.ac.id/index.php/jagratara/article/view/146 <p><em>Flooding is one of the most common threats in Indonesia. The disaster generally occurs during the rainy season due to high rainfall. The inability of the watershed to accommodate the rain causes the water to overflow and inundate the surrounding area. The Pesanggrahan watershed is one example with a dense population. This hampers activities, economic losses, and health problems. Efforts are needed to prevent flood disasters. One of them is flood modelling using HEC-RAS. The purpose of the research focuses on the application of the HEC-RAS model in the Pesanggrahan watershed to determine the boundaries of water levels and overflows that have the potential to flood. The benefit of the research is to control flooding. The research was conducted in the Pesanggrahan watershed with coordinates of 6o 10' 20" - 6o 33' 50" N-S and 106o 44' 15" - 106o 48' 05" EAST. Data used in the form of rainfall comes from the Ciliwung-Cisadane River Basin and DEM and shp from USGS, and Geospatial Information Agency. Data were analysed using quantitative and qualitative methods of Log Pearson Type III distribution and Chi-Square and Smirnov-Kolmogorof tests, as well as the Mononobe method for rainfall plans. The results of the study are Q2th = 217.03 m3/s, Q5th = 305.34 m3, Q10th = 364.69 m3/s, Q25th = 440.49 m3/s, Q50th = 487.52 m3/s. The highest River Station 53135 is in the upper reaches of the river with an average height of 4 - 6 metres and the lowest 35 is in the lower reaches of the river with an average height of 3 - 4 metres. It also appears that there are many overflows in the DKI Jakarta area. Therefore, there is a need for flood management.</em></p> Naufal Ilham Habibi Yahya Darmawan Copyright (c) 2024 Jagratara: Journal of Disaster Research 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 1 27 36 10.36080/jjdr.v2i1.146 Implementation of Occupational Health and Safety in Supporting Service Job Satisfaction of Disaster Volunteers in Banten Province https://jurnal.budiluhur.ac.id/index.php/jagratara/article/view/142 <p><em>The role of disaster volunteers is critical in providing essential assistance and support during emergency situations. These volunteers often face hazardous environments and various physical and psychological challenges that can impact their overall health and performance. Ensuring the effectiveness of disaster response efforts necessitates prioritizing the health and safety of these dedicated individuals. This study investigates the influence of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) practices on the effectiveness of training and the job satisfaction of disaster volunteers. Using quantitative methods, data were collected from disaster volunteers in Banten through questionnaires, interviews, documentation, and literature reviews. The findings indicate that OHS practices significantly enhance the quality and effectiveness of training programs, which in turn increases volunteers' job satisfaction. Effective safety training not only protects volunteers but also contributes to the long-term sustainability of the organization. Additionally, the study reveals that OHS has a significant indirect effect on job satisfaction through training. A healthy and safe work environment directly improves training effectiveness and indirectly contributes to increased job satisfaction. The study concludes that volunteer organizations should strengthen OHS practices and provide comprehensive training to ensure the success of their programs and improve the overall job satisfaction and performance of disaster volunteers. Future research could explore the quality of OHS implementation across different volunteer organizations and examine the long-term effects of OHS and training on job satisfaction and volunteer retention</em><strong><em>.</em></strong></p> Dikri Gifari Liza Mumtazah Damarwulan Muhamad Anarki Copyright (c) 2024 Jagratara: Journal of Disaster Research 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 1 37 44 10.36080/jjdr.v2i1.142